Britt returns to Tim Kreitz Adventures and rides with me to the small West Texas town of Monahans, where we eat Mexican chop steaks at Fermin's Restaurant, then ride our bikes through a century old, one-million-barrel oil tank. Come join us!
One of the toughest things about motorcycling in West Texas is August. The constant 100-plus-degree temperatures and strong south wind usually dictate a short break –– at least for me –– from riding bikes with any consistency until cooler weather returns in September. My August riding typically gets relegated to nighttime only, when temps are a bit cooler and the beating sun is at rest, and such rides through the darkness make filming new episodes of Tim Kreitz Adventures mostly impractical. GoPros hate the darkness. So do DSLRs for the most part. I did a few nighttime episodes last summer, but was displeased with the video quality and ultimately decided to only do daytime filming. That said (and in the interest of not going a month without any new episodes), I've decided to suffer through at least one more ultra-hot August ride. My longtime friend and bandmate Matt, whom you've seen in a previous episode of Tim Kreitz Adventures, has invited me to make a motorcycle trip with ...
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