The late George Carlin once said that life is just a series of dogs you own. If that's true, then life for me thus far has been a series of motorcycles. It's interesting that I can look back upon certain chapters of my life, be it through looking at old photos, reminiscing with friends or whatever, and tell you exactly which motorcycle or motorcycles I owned at that point in time. They invoke my own personal zeitgeists like old songs or familiar voices. That said, it is probably true that I've owned too many over the years. Not because I don't hang onto the good ones; I owned my ZX-7R and ZX-6R for over a decade, and I still enjoy my 2004 ZRX1200R most every day. It's just that I've always liked having more than one at a time, as well as fixing up used ones to eventually resell. That has resulted in me owning and riding scores of bikes over the past few decades. For that, I do not apologize. It has been a wonderful spice of life. And with the passing of those d...